When I built my Hackbright project, the biggest setback for me was obtaining data for it. When an API doesn’t provide what you need, what can you do? The answer: build your own web crawler and scraper. This is where Scrapy, a framework written in Python, comes into play.

(BeautifulSoup is another commonly used web scraper, but it isn’t as robust as Scrapy. I actually did a lightning tech talk on web scraping using BeautifulSoup and Scrapy, and you can check out the slides here, checkout my github code here, or keep reading for the verbose tutorial version.)


is a web crawler and scraper? In short, a crawler (aka spider) “crawls” or surfs the web for you, and a scraper extracts data from a particular web page. Put the two together and you can get data from multiple pages automatically and very, very quickly. It’s some powerful shit.


choose BeautifulSoup or Scrapy? The major advantage here is Python. If this is your language of choice, chances are you’ll want to use BeautifulSoup or Scrapy. There are amazing tutorials out there for BeautifulSoup. In fact it’s relatively simple to use so for the remainder of this post I will only be diving into how to set up Scrapy. This is intended to be a beginner’s guide and we’ll just be scraping (haha) the surface of what Scrapy can be used for.

Helpful things to know before you get started:

  • Python (and an understanding of object oriented programming and callbacks)
  • How to use CSS selectors or preferably XPATH selectors and what they are. Scrapy also talks about these a little. Scrapy is fan-freaking-tastic and also provides a command line tool that allows you to check the accuracy of your CSS or XPATH selectors. This is extremely helpful for troubleshooting after you’ve installed Scrapy and created your project in the Initial Setup described below. Once you’re ready to configure your spider and you’re writing your CSS/XPATH selectors, here are some examples to get you started:
    1. First, in your terminal type: $ scrapy shell insert-your-url – this sends a GET request for the URL
    2. Now that you are in the Scrapy Shell, try: $ response.status – this gives you the status code of the response
    3. Or try: $ response.xpath('//title').extract() – XPATH selector way of saying ‘give me the title of that page!’
    4. Or: $ response.css('title').extract() – CSS selector way of saying ‘give me the title of that page!’


is this all done? The below tutorial is a demonstration of how to use Scrapy to crawl and scrape Craigslist for available rentals on the market. Note: If this tutorial is more than a few years old, the code may not work if the DOM structure of Criagslist has changed. This is built using Scrapy version 1.3.1 and Python 2.7.


  1. Scrape Craigslist data from the San Francisco apartment rental listings. I want to retrieve the following data for each listing:
    • The unique craigslist ID
    • The price
    • The home attributes such as bedrooms, bathrooms, and sqft.
    • The neighborhood
    • The latitude and longitude location of the listing
    • The date posted
  2. Stream data into my PostgreSQL database directly from scraping

Initial Setup

  1. I assume you have a virtualenv setup, and you know how to activate one of those. Do that now. If not the rest of the steps should work fine, but it’s highly advisable to use a virtualenv.

  2. Install Scrapy.

    $ pip install scrapy

  3. Create your project and give it a name. This will create a folder for that project.

    $ scrapy startproject insert-name-of-your-project

  4. Change directory into your project folder.

    $ cd name-of-your-project-you-created-in-step-3

  5. Create your spider by giving it a name and a start URL.

    $ scrapy genspider insert-name-of-your-spider insert-url-to-start-crawling-at

You should now have a directory folder that looks something like this:

├── project-name
│       └── project-name
│                   ├── init.py
│                   ├── init.pyc
│                   ├── items.py
│                   ├── middlewares.py
│                   ├── pipelines.py
│                   ├── settings.py
│                   ├── settings.pyc
│                   └── spiders
│                               ├── init.py
│                               ├── init.pyc
│                               └── spider-name.py
└── scrapy.cfg

Configure Your Spider

  1. Go to your spiders folder and open spider-name.py. This is where you’ll do the bulk of your crawling and scraping. The spider should define the initial request (site) to make, (optionally) how to follow the links from the initial request, and how to extract page content.
  2. Here’s the breakdown of what your code should look like and why:
    # You'll need the below modules to create your spider:
    from scrapy.spiders import CrawlSpider, Spider, Request, Rule
    from scrapy.linkextractors import LinkExtractor
    # Replace "SpiderNameItem" with the class name in your items.py.
    from rent_scraper.items import SpiderNameItem 

    class YourSpiderName(CrawlSpider):  # Make sure you're inheriting from the CrawlSpider class.
        name = 'spidername'  # This should already be filled with your spider's name.

        # Tells your spider to start crawling from this URL.
        start_urls = ['https://sfbay.craigslist.org/search/sfc/apa']

        rules = (
            # This rule extracts all links from the start URL page using the XPATH selector.
            # In this case it is only looking to extract links that are individual rental
            # posting links and not other links to ad sites or elsewhere on Craigslist.
            Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=(), restrict_xpaths=('//a[@class="result-title hdrlnk"]')),
            follow=True, callback='parse_item'),
            # This rule says to follow/do a GET request on the extracted link,
            # returning the response to the callback function,
            # which is the parse_tem() function below.
            Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=(), restrict_xpaths=('//a[contains(@class, "button next")]')),
            follow=True, callback='parse_item'),

        def parse_item(self, response):
            """ Using XPATH, parses data from the HTML responses and returns a dictionary-like item. """

            # Specifies what an Item is; in this case it is referring to the items.py class name
            # and instantiating a dictionary for a single item (rental).
            item = SpiderNameItem()

            # In my item dictionary, insert the following values for each rental.
            # The below code uses XPATH selectors to select the specific data of interest
            # from the response of each rental link I crawl to.
            item['cl_id'] = response.xpath('//div/p[@class="postinginfo"]/text()').extract()
            item['price'] = response.xpath('//span/span[contains(@class, "price")]/text()').extract()
            item['attributes'] = response.xpath('//p[contains(@class, "attrgroup")]/span/b/text()').extract()
            item['neighborhood'] = response.xpath('//span/small/text()').extract()
            item['date'] = response.xpath('//time[contains(@class, "timeago")]/@datetime').extract_first()
            item['location'] = response.xpath('//a[contains(@href, "https://maps.google.com/")]/@href').extract()

            # Finally, once a single rental page and data has been scraped,
            # the crawler yields an iterator item that can later be called.
            yield item

Configure Your Items.py

  1. Go to your items.py file.
  2. This file uses a dictionary-like API defined as a class to create a dictionary of the data that you collect for each item collected. In this case, each item is every unique rental listing I scrape. For each item, dictionary keys need to be created using scrapy.Field().
  3. Hint: You might want your keys labeled to be similar to your database columns. Here’s what it might look like:
    import scrapy

    class SpiderNameItem(scrapy.Item):

        # Dictionary keys created for scraping in craigslist.py.
        cl_id = scrapy.Field()
        price = scrapy.Field()
        attributes = scrapy.Field()
        neighborhood = scrapy.Field()
        date = scrapy.Field()
        location = scrapy.Field()

        # Additional dictionary keys created upon data cleanse in pipelines.py.
        # These were added fields because I created them later in the pipelines file,
        # and they were not collected in the initial scrape using my spider.
        # For example, the rental attributes (above) actually contain data on bedrooms,
        # bathrooms, and sqft, but it was easier for me to scrape all that data in one chunk
        # and separate the code used clean up that data into my pipelines.py file.
        bedrooms = scrapy.Field()
        bathrooms = scrapy.Field()
        sqft = scrapy.Field()
        latitude = scrapy.Field()
        longitude = scrapy.Field()
        latlng = scrapy.Field()

Hint: If you’re building your scraper for the first time it’s helpful to bypass the next steps and check to see if your spider setup is working. To do this, run: $ scrapy crawl insert-name-of-your-spider -o test.json. This will create a dump of your item(s) to a JSON file so you can troubleshoot and inspect your data. (In place of .json you can also use .jl, .csv, or .xml.)

Configure Your Pipelines.py (If Needed)

Pipelines.py is pretty damn awesome. You can use this file to cleanse or validate your data, check for duplicates, and write your data into a database/external file (like JSON or JSON Lines). It’s what I call the place to put all that extra post-crawling/scraping code. You can also get creative and make multiple pipelines for different spiders, etc. Below I’m streaming my data into my PostgreSQL database using SQLAlchemy. Here’s an example of what your code might look like and why:

    from scrapy.exceptions import DropItem  # Module to handle (drop) bad items
    # The below are optional - import all the libraries you need here
    import re
    import urllib
    import geocoder

    # This should be customized to import from your model
    from model import connect_to_db_scrapy, Rental, UnitDetails

    class RentScraperPipeline(object):
        """ Scrubs scraped data of whitespaces and interesting characters
        and returns it as a data maintenance-friendly dictionary. """

        def process_item(self, item, spider):

            # Gets Craigslist posting ID
            if item['cl_id']:
                item['cl_id'] = re.split('\s', ''.join(item['cl_id']))[2]

            # Finds rental price; if none supplied or if it's listed at or below $50, drop item
            if item['price']:
                price = int(re.sub('[^\d.]+', '', ''.join(item['price'])))
                if price > 50:
                    item['price'] = price
                    raise DropItem('Missing price in %s' % item)
                raise DropItem('Missing price in %s' % item)

            # Finds bedrooms, bathrooms, and sqft, if provided
            if item['attributes']:
                attrs = item['attributes']

                for i, attribute in enumerate(attrs):
                    if "BR" in attrs[i]:
                        item['bedrooms'] = float(''.join(re.findall('\d+\.*\d*', attrs[i])))
                    if "Ba" in attrs[i]:
                        item['bathrooms'] = float(''.join(re.findall('\d+\.*\d*', attrs[i])))
                    if "BR" not in attrs[i] and "Ba" not in attrs[i]:
                        item['sqft'] = int(attrs[i])

            # Get neighborhood name, if provided
            if item['neighborhood']:
                item['neighborhood'] = re.sub('[^\s\w/\.]+', '', ''.join(item['neighborhood'])).rstrip().lstrip()

            # Get posting date in UTC isoformat time
            if item['date']:
                item['date'] = ''.join(item['date'])

            # Find Google maps web address; if none exists drop record
            if item['location']:
                location_url = urllib.unquote(''.join(item['location'])).decode('utf8')
                find_location = location_url.split('loc:')

                # If location on map is found convert to geolocation; if none exists drop record
                if len(find_location) > 1:
                    location = find_location[1]
                    geo_location = geocoder.google(location)

                    # If a geocoded location exists get latitude and longitude, otherwise drop record
                    if geo_location:
                        latitude = geo_location.lat
                        longitude = geo_location.lng
                        item['latitude'] = latitude
                        item['longitude'] = longitude
                        item['latlng'] = 'POINT(%s %s)' % (latitude, longitude)
                        raise DropItem('Missing geolocation in %s' % item)

                    raise DropItem('Missing google maps location in %s' % item)

                raise DropItem('Missing google maps web address in %s' % item)

            return item

    class PostgresqlPipeline(object):
        """ Writes data to PostgreSQL database. """

        def __init__(self):
            """ Initializes database connection. """

            self.session = connect_to_db_scrapy()

        def process_item(self, item, spider):
            """ Method used to write data to database directly from the scraper pipeline. """

            cl_id = item.get('cl_id')
            price = item.get('price')
            date = item.get('date')
            neighborhood = item.get('neighborhood')
            bedrooms = item.get('bedrooms')
            bathrooms = item.get('bathrooms')
            sqft = item.get('sqft')
            latitude = item.get('latitude')
            longitude = item.get('longitude')
            latlng = item.get('latlng')

                # Create rental details for unit
                rental_details = UnitDetails(

                # Add rental details to UnitDetails table

                # Create rental unit
                rental = Rental(

                # Add rental unit to Rental table


                # If the unit already exists in db or if data does not fit db model construct

                # Close the database session at the end of all tries

Phew! That’s a lot of code! We’re getting close. One last step…

Connecting All The Pieces Together

  1. Check out your settings.py folder.
  2. I also really love the settings file. It will be your best friend. There’s a lot of code that is commented out and embedded here is a lot of functionality you can play with, but what you have to configure is up to you. The following highlights what is necessary for this setup.
  3. Uncomment ITEM_PIPELINES if you’re using pipelines.py. List out the path and class name of the pipelines using dot notation, and put a number next to it. Conventionally, you use numbers in the hundreds, and each number represents the numerical order that Scrapy will complete each task. So in the below example, my scraper is set to 100 so it will complete before it tries to write to the database (300).
       'rent_scraper.pipelines.RentScraperPipeline': 100,
       # I commented this out, but this is an example of what you could do if you had a third pipeline.
       # 'rent_scraper.pipelines.JsonWriterPipeline': 200,
       'rent_scraper.pipelines.PostgresqlPipeline': 300

Oh, But One More Thing

In your settings.py file, some very important features to pay attention to are AUTOTHROTTLE_* and CLOSESPIDER_*.

  • AUTOTHROTTLE can be used to delay the speed at which the pages are scraped for data.
  • CLOSESPIDER is useful if you want to automatically shut down the spider after you obtain a certain amount of data or have made a certain number of web requests. This is not included in the default build, but you can add one or both of the following example lines of code to do so:
    # Close Spider after number of items scraped

    # Close spider after number of crawled page responses have been requested

Why should you care? Well, most companies don’t enjoy being bombarded by webcrawler requests and in fact many will ban you if they find out you’re using up all their bandwidth. Some companies even get a little touchy-feely when it comes to (mis)using their data, so the best thing to do is to be respectful about it. (Note: This is intended to be an educational guide, and I am not responsible for your actions.) Scrape responsibily - with great power comes great responsibility!

And Lastly… Run That Sucker! (or crawl, if it’s a blood-sucking spider?)

Final step - run your spider using the following command:

$ scrapy crawl insert-name-of-your-spider


That’s all folks! Enjoy :)