Generally, I’d say we spend about a day learning a new topic, ranging from SQLAlchemy to CSS or Flask. It’s like a mile-a-minute fast that makes you want to barf, but it’s barfing from the excitement of going so fast. In the last few weeks I’ve been narrowing down possibilities for my personal project in which I get a two week sprint to build an MVP. You heard me right… TWO weeks. And then another two weeks to touch it up and add features… by myself. Oh boy. I’m excited and terrified.

At this point we’re finishing up week 5 and this program is blazing by. The crazy thing is that we’ve essentially learned all the fundamentals to help us build a web application, which is crazy (cool). Since before the start of this program, I’ve been gathering a list of ideas on what I could or would want to build. As of this moment, I’m coming up with at least a new app idea every single day. It’s uncontrollable. As I’m learning more and more, the possibilities widen instead of - what I thought would happen - narrow down.

My favorite things I’ve learned so far is on building a web server with Flask, how cookies and sessions work, and how to use AJAX to get asynchronous requests from the sever. All the server side information is new to me, but it was one of the final pieces that I needed to understand before I was able to imagine a fully constructed app. The passage of information and following code around in the HTTP request/response system is oh-so-sweet music to my ears. (Delerium from coding hours every day for the last month?)

Anyway. All I can say is I am really, really giddy lately from the excitement of being able to build things with relative confidence, and I have lots and lots of ideas I want to start trying out. In short, the below summarizes my state of mind at the moment:

